It is Christmas Eve. May you all be Blessed as you gather or as you don't to contemplate the greatest Gift ever given to mankind... the gift of our loving God of his only Son, Jesus.
Reading the local paper today, I make a point to read the column written by Cal Thomas of the Tribune Media Services which our paper includes in it's publication. Today Cal writes about the Christmas story and the ultimate gift of Jesus to the world. He suggests reading this story again, Luke chapter 2 in God's Holy Word. I will quote some of Cal's column.
"This is truly the ultimate gift and it has your (and my) name on it! It fits all who try it on and has the additional benefit of having been paid for by someone else. This gift never wears out. Once accepted, it so satisfies that people rarely return it. For WHAT could it be exchanged ??
Can anyone name a better gift that has produced more positive and welcome results around the world for more than 2,000 years ?"
So today won't you accept this gift? Unwrap it... make it a treasure... and let this Gift of God fill your lives and make you whole. Then you will find this a Gift you will want to share !
I wish you all a Blessed and Merry Christmas! May your New Year be Happy and Healthy.
Love, Dottie and Dennis