Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blessings Abound

What wonderful times I had Friday, Saturday and Sunday !  It truly is great to be back home!  On Friday I had an early morning visit from my great friend and neighbor who came for breakfast offering some really good tasting gluten- free muffins.  She is finding that refraining from eating food containing gluten keeps the arthritis at bay and makes her feel better in general.  Makes me wonder just what they have done to our wheat !  The seed is probably genetically altered to make it grow faster, bigger and make more money at market.  It seems that everything these days is all about $$$ !  I have been buying wheat berries and grinding my own flour with a borrowed electric grinder that really makes quick work of producing flour.  BUT if the berries themselves are not 'natural' then am I any further ahead, health wise than buying my flour already ground?  At least I know there are no added preservatives in the flour!

Later in the morning my sweet friend Deb came by and we spent the rest of the morning catching up and having such a great time sharing our thoughts and ideas.  We always have a million things to talk about !  She was so thoughtful and remembered how I searched around, unsuccessfully, early last spring for some narcissus bulbs to force along in a dish of stones and water....they have such a heady scent when they bloom!  You guessed, she came with a pretty blue dish of bulbs already sprouting!

On Saturday morning, my wonderful daughter Angel and I went to a big rummage sale at our church and had a great time visiting and finding a few treasures.  We got home in time to welcome Brie, Angel's granddaughter and my great granddaughter at Angel's for the rest of the day.  Come noontime, Angel and Paul and Brie came across the field to our house to join us and our daughter in-law, Colleen and Gary, grandson Thad and wife, Alissa and baby Lauren for a pizza party! The little girls were so entertaining!  We all had such a great time.

Gr. Grampie & "GG" with Lauren

Brie and Lauren  

Then came Sunday, the Lord's day, and it was good to be back in church with my church family here.  In the afternoon I just rested.  It was the first time we had heard the Canada geese go honking over the house.  They seemed to be saying, " We're back, we're back ! "  Now I will listen for them morning and night as they fly over on their way up and down the river.  I often wonder where they go each morning and just where they return to each evening.

Today was such a lovely, blue-sky day even with the north wind bringing a chill with it.  The sun was warm and friendly and made for a just right day. Some of the trees are just budding out.  We took a walk down the path to the old footbridge across Encampment Brook in Dog Hollow.  Dennis keeps the bridge in passable repair and it needed some work.  Last Aug. hurricane Irene caused the little brook to come flowing over the bridge and it needed some repair.  No ice jam this year to raise havoc with it though!

Dallas and Dennis doing bridge repair (Look closely and see Henry, black standard poodle on right.)

Leaving you with wishes for special things
That will give you
Happy moments today
And happy memories for tomorrow.


  1. What a great post. Those little girls are so cute together! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I think I would've poked my head out the door and said, "WE ARE TOO!" to those geese! I meant to ask, where is that photo taken from? down below you? It looks to be looking over into the P'village right? It's a different angle and I couldn't place the barn up on the hill. Well, loved the post!! It's good to see you putting on such familiar things. I don't know much about FL!

    1. Hi Cyndy... The photo is taken from old Lower VIllage out next to the river, before you get down to the old power dam. Looking back at Hawks MT. and P'ville Village. When blown up you can see the church and identify other places. The barn is Matt K's. Cabin is to the left of the barn.

  2. This is a great post Dottie, so glad you all had a wonderful time together. It took me a while until I could see the poodle. In the picture he just looks like a black dog.
    Another great one Dottie, I'm really enjoying them.
