Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catching Up !

So much going on this summer !  We were blessed to hear from a dear friend, Sarah, who we have known since she was a baby.  She has been living and working in Florida for a few years and has decided she belongs back in her beloved Vermont.  She made a trip 'home' over a week ago to visit friends and check out the housing and job opportunities here.  She stopped to see us and when we heard of her new venture we thought she should stop and stay a spell with us while she does her investigating of the job and housing markets.  It has been a delightful week, going on two, with lots of catching up to do.  We have been off to visit mutual friends, had picnics and a work day with much visiting and dinner together.

Our God is so good and faithful in His watch-care over us!  He has opened a few doors, and closed a few for Sarah as she continues her search.  She was blessed with an offer for a one-day-a week job which she immediately accepted. I have no doubt that things will work out well as she trusts Him to allow her to find just the right thing for her.

On Monday I was privileged to help out at the Family Center, along with 5 other folks from church, as we prepared 180 bag lunches for children who may not be getting much lunch now that school is out.  We set up an assembly line as we made the sandwiches, bagged up the cherry tomatoes and added an apple to each lunch bag.  It was a fun time and we enjoyed the camaraderie while doing something useful.

I am looking forward to a visit from my sweet friend Debbie on Friday after attending our class breakfast in the morning.  I have to hustle to get my housework done as I seem to find so many other fun things to do this summer.  I have managed to sneak  in the reading of two good books though!  It has been so beastly hot that I have to just settle down in the afternoon in front of the fan and take a rest and catch up on my reading.  It would be so good to go swimming but such an effort to get to the swimming hole and back up to the car that we would be hotter then than when we started out from home!  We did get in a morning of kayaking, early, before it got too hot.  The water was low but it wa a fun paddle and such a pretty day!  Then lunch and of course ice cream !

I have been neglectful of writing here in my blog but hope all will understand and not give up looking to see if I have added any more ramblings.  We were fortunate last night to escape the severe thunderstorm predicted for our area.  We got a little rumble now and then and maybe a little 'heat' lightening but nothing to be concerned about.  Thankful for this !

The saga of the red squirrels vs. husband continues as he has come up with yet another possible solution to our over abundance of these little rodents.  He now catches them in his and the neighbor's have-a-heart traps and busses them off to visit their country cousins away off on a back road near the woods and a cornfield.  So far I think they have stayed there!  BUT don't know just how smart they are at returning to their old home area.  Just hoping they are welcomed by the country cousins and won't even miss the Village!

Cousin Janice sent us a picture of a very early motorhome.  This was made by Ford in the late '30's and was called a "House Car".

The interior was nice too !

Couple pictures of the Gypsy Wagon after completion.

Here is the peaceful scene on the water as we kayaked in the morning

Finally, I have a new quote that could be adopted as one's motto.
 "Don't tell God how big your storm is...
Tell the storm how big your GOD is !!!


  1. That early motor home looks like a gypsy wagon too!! I do love that quote. I should've told the storm that last night! You're right though, through our daily storms, we have a BIG GOD!! so thankful. I'm glad to hear about Sarah's one day a week job. Answer to prayer. I don't think she'll have any trouble finding work. I like hearing the ongoig saga with the squirrels, so funny. Hope they don't find their way "home" again.

  2. Read your blog and am glad you all made it through the storm ok! We heard it was coming to our area or northeast of us and were thinking of you. Hope your Mom is better soon too.
    I changed my spring picture at top of my blog but the summer one is tiny and I can't seem to figure how to get it to show up larger! Oh well, needed to 'get with the times' and show how green we have been here. We sure do need some gentle rain though.

  3. Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't seem to be able to add much on a regular basis like I first did. I wanted to take some pictures of our little ducklings, but they're going to be all grown up before I get to it. Loved reading a few of your posts here. God sure is good. We were passed over with the severe weather last night too. 'Fraid it would blow all the sunflowers over if it got too windy. A couple years back we had a storm that flattened all our corn. Not growing corn this year though, so no danger there.

    Hello to all. I'll be back :)
