Friday, September 7, 2012


I'm needing to find more time to write in my blog!  Getting things done that need doing BUT missing my quieter times of the year.
I have a friend who seems to accomplish a lot and yet she manages to set aside time for herself.  She takes a 'personal retreat' now and again.  She just sent me an email upon returning from one of these special times she grants herself.  She sent along a picture of this luscious, mile high piece of chocolate pie she treated herself to at the P&H Truck Stop in Wells River on her way to a lake in the far northern regions of VT.  The next picture was of the empty plate!  Now that made me want to hop in the car and drive up there.  Of course I could go just a bit further and visit the grandson's family and cuddle the two little gr. granddaughters a bit.  That would be a great 'retreat' for this Grandma GG.

I picked what may be nearly the last of the garden yesterday and made a great vegetable soup to take to the senior luncheon at church today.  Still think I will have a good crop of pole beans if the frost doesn't get them first!  They are all blooming like crazy now and we have picked enough for a couple meals.  Thought for awhile we wouldn't have a single bean on the gorgeous tall vines.  I still have a few beets to harvest but I think the cukes and zukes are calling it quits.  Cousin Natalie is coming down on Thursday next to make some zucchini relish with me.  She will grind the veggies and set them overnight in a crock with some salt and tote it all down to rinse, cook and jar up with me in the morning.  She has scads of zucchini and I only have two left to harvest.

Remember Jack in the Bean Stalk?

Today we had company from Ohio.  Snowbird friends we spend the winter months with in Fl.  Nice visit with them.  They are enjoying their stay in VT and heading out to Maine for a few days before going back home.

Are you getting sick of all the emails and Face Book 'stuff' to do with politics?  So much mud slinging!  And who can believe anything we read or hear any more!  On Sunday, in his sermon, our Pastor spoke about Ghandi's 7 Dangers.  It seems like we are in a time where we are living with all of these dangers, magnified many times over.  Thought you might like to read Ghandi's list if you don't already know of the list, which I didn't.

Ghandi's 7 Dangers

1. Wealth without Work
2. Pleasure without Conscience
3. Knowledge without Character
4. Business without Ethics
5. Science without Humanity
6. Religion without Sacrifice
7. Politics without Principles

Something to think about for sure.

We had a little rain, for which we are thankful but it has been a few days and hot ones.  Our rivers are SO dry and we know of folks with springs for their water supplies who are finding them very low or with no water at all.  The river that usually flows over the dam just north of our house and which we can see from our back patio is only flowing over one corner of the dam now.  There is very little water above the dam and folks are using the river bottom for a beach!  Hearing voices out the back door, we look up river to see this strange sight.  I have never seen so little water in this river.  My camera zooms in to show how someone has painted, 'Live In Harmony' on the dam itself while the water is so low.

Tomorrow, Saturday, is Community Market day here on the Green.  I plan to go over and set up again.  It is such fun to visit with all who come by to shop, eat and listen to the music.  This week we will have a different group playing for us.  I have made some Tomato Spice Jam this week and still have zucchini relish to sell.  No donuts this week!  Too busy.  Have a few craft items left.  Thought you'd like this picture of my mode of transportation up the street to the Green.

To Market....To buy ??
My trusty 'driver' Alison comes by for me.

Another Quote.   When you feel like you are drowning in life,
                            Don't worry !  Your Life Guard walks on water !

            Be Blest.....Be a Blessing !

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice post! love seeing you gals as you get ready to go to Market! WOW the water is low there. We still have only inches in the well right now. Praying for much rain and groundwater to come up - WAY UP!! Praising the Lord in everything. He is in control and takes such good care of us.
