Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmastime Again

Lovely spot to rest at Bok Towers

Boy have I been lax about writing in my blog !  Fall has passed, we've migrated once again to warmer, but not by much! places.  We hear that it is still like fall in Vermont.  Christmas without snow,  I remember a few of those several years ago.  It has been too hot here for my liking.  But today we have some rain and the promise of cooler days.  I will enjoy that!

I am trying to have a Christmas season that is not stressful, where I quit being anxious about what to buy for each of my large family.  Since this shopping, choosing and pricing not to mention wrapping and mailing is not celebrating the true meaning of Christmas we decided this year to stop all this flurry of activity.  I wrote a letter to my family members, children, grandchildren and all asking for their forgiveness for not participating in commercial Christmas any more.  If people were really honest they too would say that it isn't the quantity of gifts or the amount of money spent on them that makes them happy at this blessed time of the year.  Being together, if possible with your loved ones sometime during this season is the greatest blessing to be had.  Sharing a meal and a few hours reminiscing, telling family stories, just being happy together is the best thing.  Being so far away, hiding out from winter's cruel cold is,  most of the winter, a blessing ... but at Christmas, it is hard to be away from family.  So I hope mine will gather together and share the love and not worry about how much to spend or what on earth to buy for each other!  

Going out caroling is a great way to share the true spirit too.  I love the candlelight services at church too.  We are having our Christmas dinner again this year here with our Sunshine family. 

 Some  friends and I went on a little outing this week to visit the Bok Tower Gardens in Lakeland, a couple hours from here.  We spent the day in a peaceful, serene place where the Carillon Bells, all sixty of them (the largest being over 6 feet tall!) play out over this peaceful place, playing from the Singing Tower which is made of pink marble and coquina rock, and is 205 feet tall with a moat all around where the pretty Koi fish swim and strange looking lily pads float about. We also had a tour of the Pinewood Estate and Gardens all decorated for Christmas, followed by  a wonderful lunch at the Blue Palmetto Cafe.  

Posing inside a huge picture frame in one of the gardens. 

Petting this really tame fellow on one of the porticos!!

Close up of the Tower

 Front, showing the lovely carved brass door.

The strange, huge lily pads.

I loved the Butlers Pantry!  

I chose to use just our small but lovely Christmas tree this year.  Den puts up his six foot Star again in the back, high above the roof peak so it can be seen from all around.  I didn't get a picture as it keeps getting too dark and my camera doesn't capture that too well.  

Our sweet little tree and coffee table nativity

So this is Christmas!  Enjoy this wonderful season!  Let's be thankful to our God for His Great Gift!  A one time gift and truly Priceless!  A gift that keeps on giving!  The Gift of His Great Love and our Salvation!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Autumn Once Again

As the days shorten and it is finally cooler, a nice long walk seems just the thing to do, especially when one has such great girls to walk with!  Even little Emma doggie agrees.
It has been a busy summer!  One of the busiest I remember for quite sometime.  We have had some wonderful times with our friends, Frank and Cy who we spend time with in Sunshine Village in the winter months.  They journeyed up to VT and spent six weeks here enjoying our wonderful late summer and early fall.  Apples, Apples, Apples!  Right?   Everywhere we turned this season there were events centered around the lovely red Apple.  Tastings of all things Apple,and the watching of cider being squeezed and even boiled into wonderful boiled cider!  Apple crisp and Apple cake, Apple pie and Apple cider donuts were on the menu everywhere including in Dottie's Kitchen!  I finally found time to make lots of applesauce and Paradise Jelly with the quince and apple and cranberry juices.

Now I find it is nearly time to think about packing up and migrating to FL once again.  The hummingbirds have long gone and we saw Canada geese flying over in greater numbers than usual yesterday.  The old owl who has been Who-Whoing us all summer sounds clearer now that some of the leaves have already fallen.  The colors are finally coming to full bright beauty but as yet here in my valley we haven't had a frost.  Nearly had one this morning as the thermometer registered 33 degrees and the neighbors' brown roof looked a bit frosty.  My dahlias are still blooming and they are the first to succumb to a frost.  Guess I will go pick one last bouquet today.

The wood is stacked on the porch ready for us to burn when we get home in March.  All this thanks to our friendly helpers Frank and Cy.  The new (to us) family truck has a nice shiny snowplow and is ready to report to duty soon as the snow flies.  Hubby has been cleaning up the garden which was sure productive this year!  Just picked the last of the late planting of pole beans and the winter squash are ready now.  Grapes have been harvested and the jelly all made.  Cousin Natalie gave us rose hips and that too is now in jelly jars along with jars of pickles and relish.  Didn't make any mustard from the garlic mustard seeds this year as I have some from last year.

We went on a few little trips around VT this summer in the Gypsy Wagon, to the Northeast Kingdom where we make our rounds of family and friends.  Also a trip to Burlington area and a few weekend camping trips with the Rolling Wheels Sams club we belong to.  I am really thinking of some down time after the trip to FL !!   Maybe time to sew a little and finish up a couple UnFinishedObjects, UFO's we call them.  Two quilts to finish and some smaller projects.

Also, a great surprise 59th Wedding Anniversary/ Birthday party for Den and I given us by daughter Angel and son in-law Paul and the grandkids.  We thought we were having a family cook out and we did just that.... then the surprise...when many friends and relatives and neighbors came pouring into Angel's backyard for cake and ice cream and lots of love and hugs.  How about the funny hats and the  old people canes!  

Now I am headed out to pick that last bouquet of dahlias.  It all looks so golden outside with all the yellow and orange leaves surrounding the backyard.  No sun now but the brightness of the leaves really makes the world look so golden and mellow.

This verse has popped up on a few occasions this week as I watch the year move on toward it's end and I guess it reminds me that we are all moving on toward our own time to reach an end here on this earth.  Praise the Lord we have hope and plans for a life in the hereafter!!

Isaiah 46:4  " Even in your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you: I will sustain you and I will rescue you".

Thank you God for this assurance!     Take care and enjoy the lovely, crisp and fragrant days of Autumn.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Listening to the Harvest Fly

How fast the time zooms by here in Summer!   I so enjoy the cool nights we experience here in the hills and the mornings as the day slowly unfolds. The sun, warm on my back as I pick the bounteous goodness of the garden while listening to that boisterous Harvest Fly's loud buzz.  Many cucumbers this year so guess we'll have pickles!
Blueberries are abundant too.  Made a sweet cream blueberry tart today from a recipe in an old Fanny Farmer Baking cookbook.  It looks yummy and we will soon find out if it is as good as it looks!

This spring, Dennis built a new sturdier grape arbor for our Concord grapes and they are showing their appreciation as they spread out across the top and we are seeing clusters of fruit.  These make wonderful grape jelly and jam when ripe and ready.

No jury duty until possibly in September ...yea !   August will be too busy as we await our guests from Fla.  Many great and entertaining  things going on around VT in summer.  I also hope to get to the beach.... Not in least once this summer.

Our little trip to the Northeast Kingdom went well and we enjoyed time spent with our grandson and his sweet family.  Had a nice tea party with the little girls and got some much needed cuddles! As usual it was beautiful atop the mountain where we visited my cousins.  The weather was just as nice as could be, save for a brief and loud thunderstorm just as we were going to bed in the Gypsy Wagon.  We seem to be much closer to the lightening and the thunder when we are atop that mountain!  I also had a great visit with my childhood friend, Janey before we headed back home.  My neighbor is so sweet to come by while we are gone and check on our Miss Lizzie.  She doesn't enjoy traveling and seems happy NOT to have to go anywhere in the car.

Some pictures of the wonders of summer.

Star Gazer Lilies in the front yard

Bounty from the garden

I have enjoyed a few days of sewing with cousin Natalie.  She came down and spent a few mornings with me so we could work on a quilt she is making.  The finished product looks very nice.  Now I have to get busy and finish up a few UFO's (unfinished objects) that I have loitering around in my sewing room.

So, I'm hoping you all are enjoying this wonderful season.  Take time out to breathe deeply of the wonderful scents of summer, be still for a spell and just doze in the sun and dream a dream or two!

"There are angels all around me;
I feel the flutter of their wings
Each time a friend smiles,
Takes my hand or says nice things.
God sent then all, you see,
to bear this world's sorrows
Far away from me.
Thank You ..... All my Angels!"

                             Dottie  2013

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sweet, Sweet Summertime!

What a lovely summer this year!  Not too sticky hot most days ... just real warm and smelling so nice with all the flowers abloom and the scent of new mown hay.  Our garden is doing the best this year, maybe because I have vowed to get out there early in the morning and do some hilling and weeding.  Daughter Angel has joined a local CSA and shares her produce with us.  They have provided the most wonderful greens this year and SO MUCH of each all kinds imaginable!  One of my favorites is tat soy, an Asian green that is great in a stir fry.  But then, all sorts of greens are great stir fried and boy have we had many this spring!  We don't plant greens as we know we will be over run if we do so we put in pole beans, cucumbers, yellow bush beans, yellow and zucchini squash and buttercup winter squash. I have some good sized green tomatoes so will get a treat tomorrow if I pick one and make fried green tomatoes!  I am the only one who eats these.  

Saw this flying contraption while on a little hike into the old Lower Village 

We are doing some camping and some visiting trips this summer between doing the garden and serving on jury duty in June and guess I have to report again in August.  Very interesting process.  Served on two cases and met some nice folks, one lady especially and we have become friends.  Also managed to get in a few paddles in the kayaks.

Spent the 4th of July in Vershire with friends and enjoyed their little parade and all the festivities.  A nice time and such a lot of folks participating in the events of the day.  Then on Sunday we went to the Reading Parade which is always a great one.  

Camped with the Rolling Wheel Sams Club twice this season.  Just this weekend, at Bald Mt. in Towshend Vt.  Nice time and great people.  Learned to make Omelets in a Bag.  There  were two big pots of boiling water where, after choosing what one wanted in their omelet and adding the eggs. sealing the bag and squishing it around well, the bag was immersed in the pot of water for about 12-14 minutes for a 2 egg omelet.  They came out so good!  Also learned a neat new card game called "Hearts Lead", a game well suited for eight players.  We had three tables of eight going and everybody was having a great time.

In Aug. we hope to have company from FL for the month.  Looking forward to this.  So blessed to have good friends and our health to enjoy this wonderful season in this best of all places.

Gr. Grandaughter sniffing the posies! 

I hope you are all having a great summer as well and remember to take time to stop and sniff the posies too!

Remember:  "Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every age of life, really never grows old "    Frank Kafka

Sunday, May 17, 2015

How Green Is My Valley!

Again, it has been awhile since I've written here.  Either I find myself busier than I used to be or I am slower than I used to be ... Could it be both ! Or could it be that the years are catching up with me and causing  everything I attempt to take so much more effort??

Whatever the cause, I tend to tire out quicker and when it should be time to just sit at the computer and write in my blog, I tend to walk a bit too close to my big soft chair, which surely reaches out and grabs me and invites me ... Or entices me, to sit a spell first .. Then go about stuff I'd been heading for.  I think I found a solution to that now that I have this wonderful little iPad which can sit so comfortably with me here in this big old cuddly chair!  So here we are ...

This time the old chair didn't have to invite me, I just came in from the early afternoon heat of this truly summer day.  Husband said, "Wow! Is your face red !"  He knows how I really HATE being overheated!  But I had some plants I needed to get into the ground now that I am almost sure it won't snow on them.  But on the way to the potting shed, I noticed a fresh bunch of some Snow On the Mountain, which is a rather invasive little plant that looks great in the right place but NOT in my little  sunny spot by the patio steps! I wouldn't mind too much if they took over here, but being sunny here all afternoon, they soon start to turn brown and look pretty sad.  So last fall we dug them all out, or so we thought.  Now a few roots that survived our invasion have started in great haste and effort to fill up the space again!  Grrrr!  Who said I liked gardening anyway !    Well, after once invading their favorite spot, and a couple other stops along the way to pull some long grass from another bed I haden' weeded yet, I was feeling like I was being sautéed !  Enough!  Knowing full well that I don't belong out here in this heat, In I came to peel off all the 'tick proofing' long sleeves, pants, socks and boots and cool off my flaming face with our very cold water from the deep well, and drink about a
quart too !  Then, pop into my friendly chair with no coaxing at all.

Yesterday, we attended the Celebration Of Life for Den's Aunt Charlotte.  A lovely service for a truly wonderful lady.  She was one of thirteen children and the mother of four.  When we were first married, we used to love going to their farm.  She was a great roll model for her children and for me. I wanted to be able to be just like her. It was always a loving, serene place to be, there in the hills, away from any noise of traffic, and always some bread baking and other aromatic delights wafting around her kitchen.  At her service a few of her insightful poems were shared.

Once Spring decided to come to us, everything has blossomed, from the trees and their greenery and the fields and lawns, so green and bright, right down to the lowly dandelions.  Meadows are yellow with their blooms.  I have enjoyed a few meals of them.  I missed the fiddle heads but sort of intentionally as they aren't my favorites, although some folks really love them.  The invasive plant, Garlic Mustard, which people pull and destroy is very good to eat !  The tender leaves are good in salads or steamed like spinach and quite mild and a favorite of mine.  Last August, they went to seed.  Their little pods resembling small twigs, have a lot of tiny black seeds in them.  Picking a bunch and stuffing them in a five gallon pail and shaking them around frees these tiny seeds and they can be gathered up from the bottom of the pail and dried a bit then ground and a great and spicy mustard can  be made from them.  I made a couple jars and they were good.

On Friday we went to my Class breakfast.  Always a special treat.  Joanie makes it a really special occasion, decorating the tables with a theme appropriate for the month. (We meet once a month). This time was "May Flowers and Memorial Day."  She also has a door praise or two and always bake's something yummy for us all.  What a woman!  We sure appreciate and love her and thank her for caring for us.

Joanie's table awaits the classmates

Joanie and Natalie
Natalie and Me 
Riverside Restaurant morning Special 

Tomorrow we'll get the kayaks out from their winter storage and I hope it is as nice as today and maybe we can have our first paddle of the year.  Of course I'll try to get out early while it is cool and do my planting so I won't wilt !   It's funny thing, how I can paddle my kayak all day without wilting under the very same sun that shines on my back yard!

Enjoy this lovely weather!  Just don't get overheated!  Plant some herbs by the kitchen door and be sure to have a picnic somewhere soon.

A good thought to remember:  

"We are Christ's "letters of recommendation" to all who read our lives"                                                                        Our Daily Bread by Dennis Fisher

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Wishing All A Happy Easter

Oh it is good to be home !   Finally today the thermometer is in the 60's and here I sit on the front porch in shirtsleeves !   Wow, some different than a week and a half ago when we arrived on a very chilly and breezy day.  But it was still great to be here.  Angel had a nice fire going in the cookstove with a pot of homemade soup a bubbling and the kitchen felt quite cozy.

A real live Angel in my kitchen !

Soon we were all unloaded and the wood furnace in the cellar was cranking out heat, warming the rest of the house.   We did have a couple of days that really felt that Spring was trying hard to knock out old man winter.  Then cold again until yesterday and now this great weather today.
I just took a couple pans of nice Hot Cross Buns out of the oven and while they cool a bit so I can put the icing crosses on them, I am out here in the warm sun listening to a bunch of crazy crows chasing each other across the sky and being real loud about it too.  I heard the Red Wing Blackbirds the other morning and have seen Robins, so I can believe that it really may be Spring.

I wrote that yesterday!  Today, the day before Easter is blustery and a few snow flakes floating around with occasional sunshine.  Just hung out some sheets to dry and I bet it won't take long in the wind. I'll finish this up before the weather changes again.

We took a nice ride the other day to visit grandson, Dan at their new place, a pretty log cabin in the country.  Then on to see friends further north who live on a country road and up atop Darling Hill.  Needed to do this before Mud Season or wait until May or June.  We no longer have a four wheel drive vehicle. A necessity here if you go on dirt roads in Mud Season !  Had nice time and just a touch of mud.  More snow left away up there though. Our snow is going fast.

Soon after we got home where there is no pollen from live oak trees and the air is so crisp and clear, I kept my promise to my FL friends who couldn't believe I would do such a thing...and just went out in the snow and made a snow angel!  Didn't get to go out on the snowshoes though.  Oh well, maybe next year.

Making my snow Angel !

Yesterday my friend Alison, Angel and I had a nice luncheon at Angel's house. Quiche and salads and hot cross buns.  These impromptu get togethers are the best !
I am going up to sew a bit in my nice tidy sewing room!  I took time this week to rearrange the sewing cabinet and the cutting table and tidy up things.  Found a really cool pattern for making pretty pillow cases, which I am in need of.  Found this great pattern which doesn't involve much actual sewing on '24 blocks' that I subscribe to on FaceBook.  A great site for quilters and people who like to sew things.  Also had  cute and simple, I like simple!, aprons made from fabric dishtowels and scraps from one's stash!  Even little ones for the little gr. granddaughters!    Now to get busy sewing things!

Wishing you all a very happy Easter!  Hope you get to worship tomorrow with friends and loved ones.

Christ The Lord Is Risen Today, Alleluia !

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Springtime In Florida

The grass is greener and the azaleas are blooming everywhere!  My  nemesis, the Live Oak Tree(s) are busy with their pollen production and my eyes are weeping and itching right on schedule!
I'm dreaming of cold, fresh air, blue skies and my snowshoes AND clear, non itching eyes!  It is a hot and breezy day, as our thermometer reads 95 degrees today with a hot and bright sun boring down. The hotter it is, the itchier my eyes are!  Grrrrr.  I don't even want to go to the pool but when it cools down after supper, and the wind dies down I just may do that.

It's been a great season here this time with lots of company, good time and fun social events.  Our annual Tea Party ... NOTHING to do with politics!! ... was dubbed "Spring Fling" this year. It was a tea total success!  About 40 ladies attended, all donning lovely and imaginative tea party hats and fitting attire. The decor at Sunrise Hall was lovely, the luncheon superb and the handsome waiters ... the very greatest! These three guys judged the hats and attire and did a great job in that capacity as well.  Three prizes were awarded:  The most original, the prettiest and the most humorous.  See pictures of our fun and fancy gala below.

Now it is time to start sorting and cleaning and packing up to head back North ... a race with the robins.  Our friend Gene has our drive and our walks all plowed and the temperatures have been in the 40's they tell us.  I'll try to squeeze some of this excessive heat into our trunk but when we are finally loaded, there isn't much room back there!
Miss Lizzie saw the first suitcase come out today and gave me that look  "Oh no, not again already" .  Traveling just isn't her 'cup of tea'.
We are looking forward to this Saturday as the whole of Sunshine Village is treated to a farewell get-together bash complete with a small band for music, food, games and a good time at Sunrise Pavilion, all courtesy of the Park owner, Rob.  Thank you Rob!

Time marches on and each day is a gift
From the first birdsong at dawn
Till off to sleep we drift.

May I live each precious day
Loving and caring, striving to do my best
Living the day to it's utmost fullest.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spring Is Just Around The Corner !

As they say "Spring is just around the corner!"  Question is where is that corner? The calendar says just 22 more days until the long awaited day.   Even in sunny Florida it is feeling like winter these mornings.  We had a frost a few mornings ago and saw a skim of ice on our birdbath.  Thankfully this week we've had just cool early mornings and nice sunny warmth by noontime.  Feeling so bad for all the folks in Boston with their huge piles of snow and more seems to come every day.

Been keeping busy here.  Learning a few new crafts and enjoying some company and cousin Natalie who is here until the first week in March.  Our grandson Shaun and Jessica were here for a few days last week as they traveled home from New Mexico.  We had a great time and were happy that they chose to come home via Gramp and Grammie's !  They sure enjoyed a kayak trip down the Weeki Wacchi River, getting great pictures of deer, turtles and manatee along the way.  Glad they made it home safely just before the latest blizzard and frigid weather set in.

Hoping this video will post here and open for you.  Great to watch a manatee being friendly!

Natalie and I have been out and about too, enjoying the annual Kumquat Festival in Dade City.  It seems to get bigger every year.  This is a pic of our little group as we enjoy the beautiful day and each other's company.  One of our fun "Ladies Days Out".

It is a lazy, rainy afternoon here and I am glad to have the time to write in my blog and share with you.
Plans for our annual Tea Party are coming along nicely.  "Spring Fling" is what we are calling the event this year. I have to be thinking about decorating a hat to wear worthy of the theme.  Guess I'll do just that while I listen to the rain patter on the roof.  No thunder storms as predicted which is just fine with me!  Even the wind has calmed down and it is just a gentle rain now.  So with that and a picture of the tiles I have learned to decorate I will leave you now.  Have a great day, and don't give up on the arrival of spring!  It always does come!  Right?  

A Scottish Proverb:

"Do not judge by appearances; 
A rich heart may be under a poor coat!"

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The New Year Marches On

Well, guess my resolve to write more in my blog... dissolved ! OK  so I will try to correct that.  It has been a busy year around here.  Or I have been just goofing off,  enjoying a few swims in the pool (before the cooler weather set in), or enjoying the Christmas Season and then settling down to some house cleaning and planning for company.

We were really blessed by a nice visit from our Angel and our good friend and neighbor, Alison this past week. It is always SO good too have company from home.  These two are such fun to have around.  They arrived on a sprinkling afternoon in a very bright blue Mustang!  This flash of brightness after a few dreary days must have shocked the weather into brightening up.  We had some nice days while they were here with us.

The girls and their fancy wheels.

Very flashy but ...  that backseat ... Many laughs watching this Grammy crawl up and out of there!  Until Grampa came up with a great idea ...  why not just back out !!!  Now that really worked like a charm.  So for the rest of the time whenever we were out and about, I made a smooth and speedy exit.
We went to Tarpon Springs one day, the Greek community famous for it's harvesting of sponges and soap making.  A great day looking around this unique village, up and down the sponge docks checking out the little shops.  We had a wonderful lunch at Mykino's reported to be the very best place to get a great and authentic Greek meal.  Reports were correct!  Really great food!  After walking off all that lunch we had a little fortification for the trip home at a wonderfully decadent Greek bakery, Hellas.  The caramel cheesecake was perfect.

Now it is pretty quiet here again :(  and sad to have them leave.  But, we expect a visit from our grandson, Shaun in February as he and Jessica are on the way home from New Mexico where Shaun has been working this winter.  With gas prices so good they can make a swing into FL and a short visit with us before heading north up the coast.  

Meantime I am entertaining myself cooking up some new recipes, some nice healthy ones and some... well, not so healthy!  For healthy, I made a winter vegetable soup. We had been to the Famous Webster Flea Market on Monday and Angel made us a great and large casserole of roasted veggies and since we ate only half of it, I decided to put the rest into the blender and puree them,  add some ginger, a bit of garlic and some fresh carrot juice and top it off with  light cream.  It turned out SO good!  I froze a jar of it before adding the cream and will have that later.

Under the 'not so healthy' category,  there is the Chocolate/peanut butter Bark I made today while left to my own devices while hubby helped work on a neighbor's porch.   Here, I'll just offer you a piece!

Chocolate/Peanut Butter Bark

Last night we enjoyed a great Spaghetti dinner at Sunrise Hall.  Great cooks here!  A good turn out.  Friends came over after to have a few card games.  (Girls won, yea!)  
We are having another cool spell so it was nippy for them walking home later.  Needed the quilt last night too.  We hear that a blizzard is being warned for Vt this week.  Really glad cousin Natalie and her Jerry got out on Friday and are now in Georgia visiting relatives and will be at their place here in Sunshine tomorrow.  Always fun when Natalie gets here to pal around with!   

Once again it is planning time for the Great Tea Party!  I'm rounding up a committee to help with the planning and executing of this great event.  It is scheduled for March 3rd. so we have some time to come up with some unique ideas to make it as nice as last year.

Little Gr Granddaughter, Selena pours tea for her friends.  Wish she could come to and enliven
our Great Tea Party!!

It is around 6 PM now and the sun is getting ready to set over west of us.  There may be a beautiful sunset again tonight so guess I will stop rambling and check it out!   I truly have missed doing the blog and it is a good feeling to have written here again!  Hope y'all didn't give up on me entirely!

A quote for today, from Martin Luther

"I have had many things in my  hands
And have lost them all;
But whatever I have placed in God's hands,
That I still possess"

Blessings to you all!