Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spring Is Just Around The Corner !

As they say "Spring is just around the corner!"  Question is where is that corner? The calendar says just 22 more days until the long awaited day.   Even in sunny Florida it is feeling like winter these mornings.  We had a frost a few mornings ago and saw a skim of ice on our birdbath.  Thankfully this week we've had just cool early mornings and nice sunny warmth by noontime.  Feeling so bad for all the folks in Boston with their huge piles of snow and more seems to come every day.

Been keeping busy here.  Learning a few new crafts and enjoying some company and cousin Natalie who is here until the first week in March.  Our grandson Shaun and Jessica were here for a few days last week as they traveled home from New Mexico.  We had a great time and were happy that they chose to come home via Gramp and Grammie's !  They sure enjoyed a kayak trip down the Weeki Wacchi River, getting great pictures of deer, turtles and manatee along the way.  Glad they made it home safely just before the latest blizzard and frigid weather set in.

Hoping this video will post here and open for you.  Great to watch a manatee being friendly!

Natalie and I have been out and about too, enjoying the annual Kumquat Festival in Dade City.  It seems to get bigger every year.  This is a pic of our little group as we enjoy the beautiful day and each other's company.  One of our fun "Ladies Days Out".

It is a lazy, rainy afternoon here and I am glad to have the time to write in my blog and share with you.
Plans for our annual Tea Party are coming along nicely.  "Spring Fling" is what we are calling the event this year. I have to be thinking about decorating a hat to wear worthy of the theme.  Guess I'll do just that while I listen to the rain patter on the roof.  No thunder storms as predicted which is just fine with me!  Even the wind has calmed down and it is just a gentle rain now.  So with that and a picture of the tiles I have learned to decorate I will leave you now.  Have a great day, and don't give up on the arrival of spring!  It always does come!  Right?  

A Scottish Proverb:

"Do not judge by appearances; 
A rich heart may be under a poor coat!"


  1. Great time I see. How far away is to that place you went kayaking?

  2. Just love that photo of the deer! The Kumquat Festival - what fun! and I do believe those tiles are the prettiest I've ever seen. Will be interested in hearing how you did them - painted and fired? Yes, Spring just around the corner - been so many below zero days here. Spring will be welcome - even the mud!!
    Miss you guys.
