Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just Rambling!

Hoping you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to be with family at some point in the weekend.

It was so good to be back in good old Vt. even though it was chilly with the mean north wind swirling around kicking up the dead, crunchy leaves that hadn't been raked up yet and keeping us in our winter duds.

The Church Easter service was a blessing as always.  Our little choir sang two songs in praise of our risen Lord and one could feel the love all around.  Our organist/pianist, Karen played lovely music on the big old pipe organ, known by those brave enough to play it as "The Beast" !  Not an easy to play organ but Karen has tamed the beast and rendered some really lovely sounds from those old pipes!

We then went to grandson Nate's where he and Rachel and Brielle treated us to a non-traditional feast.  A Bar B Q !  Quite a gathering of relatives representing four generations.  Little Brie, who is now not quite 2 1/2, was a great little hostess, greeting each arrival with squeals of  delight and amazement that everyone she loved kept appearing all in the same place at the same time !  We are so blessed to have our family so close by.

                                                    Someone said its time for the cake!

Dennis has been busy raking up our lawns.  SO many leaves from the maples in the back !  Leaving for FL before they all fall in Oct., makes for a harder clean up in the spring.

I am having a great time catching up with friends and doing just a bit of spring cleaning... wouldn't want to miss any fun doing too  much of that!  Yesterday cousin Natalie came down from Mt. Holly to have a nice morning and lunch with me.  We always have a good time what ever we do together.  We looked through a box of old photos she brought down and that is always good for a few laughs and comments like " is that really how we looked....look at that hair do.....wow, was he handsome"" etc.  We were searching for pictures to use at Natalie & Jerry's 50th wedding anniversary party that is in the planning stage and will be in June.  Natalie and I took time out to practice our singing, we were learning American Sign Language in FL. this winter from our friends, Cy and Frank.
You can see we are "HAPPY"!

Today my sweet neighbor, Alison is coming for lunch and bringing most of it too!  She is sharing some really good gluten free bread.   Looking forward to that.  She has offered to let me use her piano to practice a piece of music that I found on the internet.  I wrote awhile back of our 4th grade teacher playing "The Black Hawk Waltz" for us and how I remembered the tune and hadn't heard it since.  When the music arrived, and it truly was the song I remembered, I played it on my keyboard, I should say I bumbled through it as I am not a 'real' piano player!  But I was delighted to find that it isn't so difficult that, with MUCH practice, I might be able to play it through... someday...if I really work hard!  So after lunch I'll go and practice a bit.

My friend Linda who also has a blog found this quote and I thought I'd share it too.

                      "What is this life if, full of care,
                    We have no time to stand and stare?  W.H. Davies
So let's slow down and take time to meditate, take a nap, or just stand and stare.  Don't work too hard.

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