Friday, April 20, 2012

I meant to do my work today...

Fresh, bright yellow daffodils along the briar hedge, where none used to be !  Must be the "Flower Garden Fairy" has visited my yard again!   Also, here and there, some new pink tulips and some yellow ones bloom.  Each year when spring is truly here, I find new flowers popping up.  I question my friend and neighbor, Alison and she says, "Who? Moi?" and then I know for sure.  These last few days have really heralded the Spring in all her glory.  The forsythia is especially beautiful this year, loving the mildness of the winter.  The quince is blooming profusely, the flowering crabapple is ready to pop, and all the trees are leafing out.

It was a time to stop all work and just enjoy the day.  So, after attending a wonderful breakfast and a lively conversation time with twenty members of our high school class plus five spouses at the local 'good breakfast' place, Riverside Restaurant, I came home determined to do no more work today. I was strongly reminded of a poem by Richard LeGallienne the title of which I do not recall.

I meant to do my work today
But a brown bird sang in the apple tree
And a butterfly flitted across the field
And all the leaves were calling me.

And the wind went singing over the land
Tossing the grasses to and fro
And a rainbow held out it's shining hand
So what could I do ....but go? 

A warm, sweet breeze came up as I wandered about surveying the flower beds and as Dennis tilled the garden spot.  All looks so green and good!  BUT we do need some rain...though after last Aug. I thought I would never ask for rain again!  It is looking pretty dry in places.  After a good time wandering about, I settled into a favorite corner of the front porch to pet the kitty and read from my current book.  
So now at close of day, I feel that I paused amid the hustle and bustle of life to just be still and take some time to thank my God for all his goodness and the beauty of Spring.



  1. Yay! I loved that post. Yes, we enjoyed this day. Syd worked on the back porch and I did a little blogging and took a friend up to spend time with Mom. After a few hours I went back up and took her home again. It was a beautiful day and now the rains have topped it all off. I pray that it continues for at least a couple days. It sounds so beautiful on the tin roof out back1 I loved that poem. Glad you got some time to pause and enjoy today! love from us both.

  2. Great story, and I also loved the poem.Makes me just want to take a hike in the woods.
