Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Perfect Peace

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, who's mind is staid on Thee"....The words from an old hymn we used to sing.  They came to mind on Tuesday as I settled into the dentist's chair for the LONG procedure of having root canal therapy.  I was looking for this perfect peace...calming of my fears of this place and especially this procedure.  All in all it wasn't so bad, but I did get pretty shaky before it was time to exit the chair!  The dentist was so YOUNG!  She looked like a teenager!  But she was sweet, kind and as gentle as one could be and get that job done.  I should say half done, as I have to go back in a month for the finishing touches.  UCK!   Now, a couple days later I have what they call a 'flair-up'  where I have some swelling in the gum area and much soreness and aching.  So I am taking some antibiotics and lots of Motrin and WAITING for it to all go away!  I'll never take a pain free day for granted again!

With my 'mentor', Lizzie.  Learning the art of relaxation !

It's nearly a week since I wrote the above.  I have been busy in all this wonderful weather with my neglected flower beds, catching up on reading while nursing my sore jaw and everything but writing in my blog!  Our little 'Jenny Wren' is back singing up a storm in our back yard and getting her birdhouse home all ready to nest in.  What a worker she is!  As for that clever red squirrel... she has won at least 5 rounds in her bouts with my hubby !  We finally noticed that she is a she and probably a nursing mom right now so we have just let her enjoy the birdseed...FOR NOW!   Then we'll see.  Dennis has been spending much time looking the foundation over, inside and out for possible entry places where she might be squeezing her way into our cellar. He found a most likely place and has cemented it up. We don't want another 'surprise' when we come home from FL next spring!  Even a lampshade was crooked, like she had been swinging on that and we have concluded that it HAD to be a squirrel as most little mice don't do such things and don't eat seeds, probably.

Waiting for the purple iris!  The deep purple lilacs did well but not the light purple ones.

Columbine and hostas

On Saturday, we had a visit from a friend whom we hadn't seen in about a quarter of a century!  Now that is a LONG time!  She came in the morning and stayed till after noontime.  We had a lot to catch up on and it was so very wonderful to have this time with her.  She also visited other friends here and I am sure they were as thrilled to see her as we were.

My sweet daughter, Angel with hubby Paul are in VT for the week!  It is so nice to be able to spend time with them.  We were off yesterday on an errand we have waited to do until we had some time to invest in the project.  We are 'elected' by our family to seek out a memorial for our family cemetery lot.  So we were about this project yesterday.  What a lot of choices.  We got caught up in admiring the beautiful work of a young man who carves not only names and dates but such lovely scenes, angels, and anything you might want for art work on the granite, marble or what ever stone you choose.  We left not choosing anything as we had so many things still to consider.  This is hard work!  We decided we needed to go for lunch and that was fun and tasty too.

In the evening as the sky grew dark, Paul had a nice big fire in the outdoor fireplace and we just sat around listening to the night birds warm up... the Hermit Thrush... my favorite, which I never see, just hear here in VT with her lovely trilling song.  Lately we have been treated to Canada Geese flying over our houses on their way to and from a beaver pond nearby and their other haunt up the river somewhere.  They come by in a gaggle in the morning but in the evening they return north in pairs or sometimes in odd numbers but not all at once.  They are very talkative as they travel. It was the perfect evening for a fire and NO bugs anywhere about.  It was pretty dark when we left to come home across the meadow that separates our homes.  The grass had just been mowed and as we scuffed along, that wonderful new-mown hay scent rose to thrill our nostrils.  We had left a light on in the house and it sent a welcoming glow out the window.  All this a peaceful preparation for a good nights sleep.

Today is a cloudy day but also great for getting some more yard work done.  When the flower beds are finished, it will be just time to plant the veggie garden.  But I also have errands and paper work to do today.  I am the Village Clerk and have to get the annual Warning out tomorrow and post it in a few public places.  So I'd better get busy!  Have a fabulous day, all!

And Spring arose on the garden fair
Like the Spirit of love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of it's wintery rest.        
                                                        P.B. Shelley

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Poem for Mother's Day

For Mother's day, just a poem I wrote a few years ago.

My Mom and Dad and I


It's Mother's Day again
And I need to pay tribute today
To my Mom, someway, 
My Mom who I barely remember.

Of that day in May
When she went away,
I have but little recall;
The sandy road beneath my feet,
Up the hill to the church is vivid still.
My Daddy lifting me up to see
Her sleeping in a fluffy white bed.
And saying good-buy
And blowing a kiss.

A new friend, Aunt Mary, 
Came for a few days to stay,
But then she too, went away.

The next few years are an empty page,
Until school days came
And aways, I hated Mother's Day.

Tho' I'd make cards for my Grammy P.
Who sometimes took care of me.
My world was my Daddy and me.
He was so kind and good
And patient beyond belief.
And I hated Mother's Day.

I went through the stages 
Of blaming her for leaving.
When everyone else I knew 
Had a mom to share in their achieving.

I needed to know...
What was she like?
And I realized it wasn't her choice
To go, and so, I'd ask others
About her... you know.

And always I was told 
Of her kindness and loving ways;
And how she surely didn't choose to go
And how she loved me so.
This was so important to know!

They said how she loved the Lord
And trusted Him
To keep His hand on me,
And so He has.
And blessed me evermore!

I know not the reason
He called her home so soon,
But His will is wiser than my own.
One day, I'll know,
When all is said and done.

How the time has flown! 
So many years gone past!
I am so glad God granted me
The privilege of being a Mom,
A Grammy an a Great Grammy yet!

I tried real hard to get it right!
I love you all so much.

Somewhere along the way,
I've  had a change of heart, 
For now I can truly say, 
                                                                           by dottie richardson 

A Gift-Boxed Day...In May

Awaking on Friday, on a May morning in my Vermont valley, between the mountain and the river, is like being given a lovely gift..in a pretty box, all tied up in rainbow ribbons and colorful balloons.  All my senses awaken as well, seeing, hearing, feeling and smell.  The fresh cool air coming in through the bedroom window , open just a bit, refreshes ...and the curtain flutters in the soft breeze. The faint scent of lilacs and dewey grass wafts in along with just a hint of oak wood smoke from our kitchen chimney...as the coffee perks and sends out it's very own beckoning aroma, the birds begin to sing.

I accept the gift of this brand new Spring day.  And I thank my God for it and count my blessings all.  I'll open it slowly to see what is there and embrace the moments it holds as the day unfolds.

It's amazing how good that cup of coffee tastes!  As well as the rest of my simple breakfast.  A slice of homemade toast with spiced tomato jam accompanied by a fresh poached egg and a small clementine.

It seems this day was designed for friends as we are treated to a visit from Debbie this morning as she stops by for hugs and good cheer, bringing a toy for Lizzie.  We've planned a trip to see friends on Darling Hill, north of here.  Lunch is packed and we're off.  It is a great day for a ride up through our lovely mountainous state.  The hills fold into each other and I am amazed at just how many, many shades of green there are!  We take back roads in to our friends' place.  May flowers can be seen alongside the road.  It's sunny and nice with a cool breeze just to remind us it is still Spring.

Cyndy has made some of her violet syrup! What a lovely color and wonderful taste.  All from wild violets.  Syd has installed a new door. We catch up on each others 'doings' etc.  After enjoying a great day,  good visits and a walk down from the top of the hill where we visit with Cyndy's mom we all head off to the Upper Valley.  We choose Appleby's for supper.  Great food, good fellowship with good friends.  What more would one want?  Then we hop into our separate cars and go off in opposite directions, to arrive home just at sunset.  Lizzie is happy we're home.  We plop into our favorite chairs as the day winds down... it's gifts all opened and enjoyed to the fullest.  All 'cept one...falling asleep in our own soft bed, when Lizzie insists it's time for bed.  The quiet little night sounds barely audible through the partially open window.. where the curtain flutters just a bit.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Trapeze Act & A Lesson in Perseverance

Well, I finished off the last of the dandelion greens tonight for supper.  Yum!  It has stopped raining and things look ever so green everywhere!  Our little 'Jenny Wren' is back chattering away on top of her house, actually a house built for bluebirds but she always claims it first.  So good to hear her cheerful, twittering song again.   A lone hummingbird came by the other day and buzzed about where the feeder usually is.  Dennis saw him/her first and went looking for the feeder.  Usually if we aren't quick enough to get it out, they come up to the patio slider door and hover and stare at us, letting us know we aren't being very good hosts.  Still haven't seen but the one at the feeder which is now full and in it's proper place.

The red squirrel and the big gray one are providing us with entertainment these days.  Better than the trapeze act at the circus.  They ARE a circus !   It is a war now, a contest of wits between Dennis and the squirrels.  They were climbing up the shutter by our dining room window to get to the bird feeder. The gray is so fat he sort of runs with a waddling sway.  He visits my neighbor's bird feeders all winter.  We really want just birds at this feeder so Dennis put up a plastic coated wire from the house to the cherry tree and hung the feeder from that.  It worked for a couple days (squirrels must have been having a meeting to come up with the best way to get to it anyway),  Yesterday they were successful !  The little red squirrel would climb the cherry tree, go out on a limb, chew off any small branch obstructing his launch way and then back up and run......fly through the air and try to land in the feeder.  Watching him miss and flip over and onto the ground was kinda funny.  He immediately jumped up, shook himself and headed up the tree for another try.  This went on for a bit. (I'm getting no work done here..)  Then he finally perfected the jump and that was when Den decided he would put an obstruction between the tree and the feeder on the cord going to the house.  He found a plastic cover which came off of a 5 gallon pail and installed it on the wire.  "There... now let's see you get around that!"  NO problem thought the little red  head.  Using the same launching method which had proved so successful before, he tried it again, and again, and finally he got hold of something on that plastic cover and around and around he and the cover went!  Just like a carnival ride!  Whee!  And then reaching out, he grabbed the top of the feeder and plunked himself down, right in the seeds, right where he wanted to be! A trapeze act for sure.  Round 2 goes to the squirrel.  I finally stopped laughing long enough to get the camera and remembered it has video capability.  I got a few short videos and will post one here for you to see...and if the sound works....to hear.  All the funny noise is Dennis laughing so hard.  Hope it will go on here.  Well, I guess it didn't work !   Oh well, I do have a couple pictures but they aren't nearly as entertaining as the little video.

The launch !

Landing on the plastic cover.  Then the cover spins, fast.
Then it finally dumps him into the seeds.

I guess it does work !!  Great !

Well, so much for the circus!   A lesson in perseverance for sure.  I'll take this lesson upstairs to my sewing room and get on with the quilt I started this week.  It is coming along pretty well but if I stay away from it for long I have to stop and think...hard...when I come back to it.  Paper piecing is so precise and nice when finished but tricky, for me at least, while putting together.  I never was good with mirror image type things.  
Remember to take time to stop and enjoy all the good things God provides for us in nature. Don't hurry too much, the work will be right there waiting for you.    

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wild Leeks and ESP...or what?

My goodness!!  I just sat down to write a post here and thought to check my friend Cyndy's blog first.  I couldn't believe that she is writing today and will continue with a place on her blog she will call Aunt Jan's Wild Corner.
  The notes I wrote today for this blog are about the wild things to be found at hand and in the woods around us! Now isn't that what they call ESP??

I love to dig some nice dandelion greens and my lawn usually provides me with plenty.  The fiddleheads are ok but I really prefer the dandelions.  Cooked up and served with a nice helping of hot mashed potatoes and maybe a fat slice of ham like my Gram used to make.  Yum!  She would put a thick slice of ham in a big iron skillet, put some brown sugar and dry mustard on top and pour milk around and up almost to the top of the ham.  Then bake it in the oven for about an hour.  The flavor was just super and with the greens and mashed potatoes,  a favorite spring meal.

Cyndy spoke of the leeks too.  Years ago, when she was a little girl, her mom and I and another friend, Barb and her little boy would take a hike up on our nearby mountain, Hawks Mt. and find there among the rocks just below the top, lots of these wild leeks.  We would sit and eat our cheese and crackers and the wild leeks that we would clean as best we could. Always picking enough to take home for later.  They always made our cheese and crackers taste so good!  Barb and her family moved to NY a few years later and when it came time to go to the mountain again that year and search out the wild leeks, we were missing her so we picked a few extra and thought we would send them by priority mail to her.  We were sure to wrap them in plastic with some water, but very little, to help keep them fresh, or so we thought!  We got them over to the Post Office just as the mail truck picked up at 5 PM so they would be kept cold right up till the last minute. Then we waited for a surprised and delighted Barb to call us.  Well, she finally did and she was way more surprised than delighted !  She got the package and as she opened it the oniony smell, I should say the spoiled oniony smell was anything but delightful!! They were in pretty bad shape and certainly not edible by that time!  So much for our surprise.  We thought she would love having some leeks from the mountain as we knew she was missing us as we missed her.  What is that saying, "it's the thought that counts"!!

Each year as I bend over the lawn with my trusty digging knife and fill my basket with dandelions, I think of the time my son Chip came by on his way home from a job and stopped by for a visit.  As he came down the road and saw me all hunched over gathering my supper he told me his thought was, "Ah, there's Ma getting ready to eat the lawn"!  It was that Mother's day that he bought me the book " Stalking the Healthful Herbs" by Euell Gibbons.  I have Euell's other book, "Stalking the Wild Asparagus" a Mother's day gift from my other son, Matt in 1980.  I will enjoy reading about Cyndy's Aunt Jan and her adventures stalking the wild things.

I spent some time today in my sewing room.  I have TONS of smallish pieces of fabric so I was planning a quilt for our new great grandbaby's arrival in June.  I am experimenting with a technique called Paper Piecing. I have done this before but not for a long time.  It is one of those things that if you don't do it often you almost need to learn it all over again.  I have some nice bright, cheerful pieces to use and they say that babies like bright colors.  So we'll see how this works out.  I need to make 12 blocks.  With my re-learning process today, it took me half the morning just to get that first block done right!  I am not the world's best at seeing ahead what a finished piece will look like and have been disappointed many times before with my color choices.  Once I SEE it, I know right away if it is right or not!  A bit late if the pattern is a fussy one.  So we will see how this goes.

I have done lots of Spring cleaning this year, what with all our indoor projects and all.  Since I have clean bedroom windows now and it was a bit rainy this morning, I took a picture of the flowers the "Garden Fairy" planted in our yard, out through the clean window.  I think Spring is my favorite time of year, with Autumn coming in second.

I like this quote...a daffodils response to Spring...

She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head
And whispered to her neighbor...
"Winter is dead".
                                 A.A. Milne