I accept the gift of this brand new Spring day. And I thank my God for it and count my blessings all. I'll open it slowly to see what is there and embrace the moments it holds as the day unfolds.
It's amazing how good that cup of coffee tastes! As well as the rest of my simple breakfast. A slice of homemade toast with spiced tomato jam accompanied by a fresh poached egg and a small clementine.
It seems this day was designed for friends as we are treated to a visit from Debbie this morning as she stops by for hugs and good cheer, bringing a toy for Lizzie. We've planned a trip to see friends on Darling Hill, north of here. Lunch is packed and we're off. It is a great day for a ride up through our lovely mountainous state. The hills fold into each other and I am amazed at just how many, many shades of green there are! We take back roads in to our friends' place. May flowers can be seen alongside the road. It's sunny and nice with a cool breeze just to remind us it is still Spring.
Cyndy has made some of her violet syrup! What a lovely color and wonderful taste. All from wild violets. Syd has installed a new door. We catch up on each others 'doings' etc. After enjoying a great day, good visits and a walk down from the top of the hill where we visit with Cyndy's mom we all head off to the Upper Valley. We choose Appleby's for supper. Great food, good fellowship with good friends. What more would one want? Then we hop into our separate cars and go off in opposite directions, to arrive home just at sunset. Lizzie is happy we're home. We plop into our favorite chairs as the day winds down... it's gifts all opened and enjoyed to the fullest. All 'cept one...falling asleep in our own soft bed, when Lizzie insists it's time for bed. The quiet little night sounds barely audible through the partially open window.. where the curtain flutters just a bit.
That day truly was a "gift". We had a wonderful time. I enjoy reading about it too!! Thanks so much for coming up and being such an encouragement to us all.