Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Local Christmas Parade

I thought I'd just say that we have a wonderful Christmas parade here in this little village.  They call it the City of Webster but it is far from what I think of as a 'City' !   Except for maybe on Monday when the really big flea market is going on.  Then it is a busy place!

All the local organizations, churches, schools, mobile home parks etc. participate in our parade.  There is a band or two, horses ( completely lit up with twinkling lights that are battery powered) and riders all aglow too.  MANY golf carts decked out in anything that looks like Christmas and winking and blinking to the rhythm of either carols of seasonal songs on board.  Our Park had a float, a good big one, with music and lights drawn by our new tractor all lit up too.  The 'elves' on board were passing out stuffed animals to the children that lined the parade route.  And of course, candy.  It is always nice to watch the parade and be warm while doing so !  All this happens at 6 PM so it is dark already and all the lights really show up.
I'll include a few pictures as I'm sure some of the participants will check out the blog today and be looking for a picture.  Can't take pictures when you are on the float now can you?  I'll include the daylight version as I don't do so well at nighttime versions of anything !

Pass on the Love, Joy and Peace of Christmas !

Getting ready to leave the Park

These guys love a parade !

1 comment:

  1. Those were such GREAT pictures of the parade. The float looks good. What a nice idea, to hand out stuffed animals too! I love the dogs on the golfcart. How cute!! They looked so festive. That sounds like MUCH FUN!
