Friday, December 30, 2011

Rainbows and Resolutions

It seems that in which ever place I am spending the home in the warmth of summer or at our home away from home in Fl during the chilly winter months, I have a special spot I seem to pick out as a cozy place to meditate, reflect, doze, pray general... a veg-out place.  Here, it is the corner of my comfy couch in the Fl room porch where I have a fountain that bubbles away, sounding like a small stream running gently over smooth rocks on its way to the river.  At home in VT it is one of two places, the big papa san chair on the porch in nice warm weather or in a big "eat ya up" chair near the double windows where I can watch the birds at the feeder.  And in the afternoon,  the floating rainbows of color cast about the room by the little crystal hummingbird hung in the window there.

As I was reading my daily devotional book this morning, the lady who wrote today's bit of encouragement,  spoke of watching how a lovely crystal only reflects the bright lights of the sun which cause it to refract these rays into all those tiny dancing rainbows.
When things look bleak and I feel down and sad, I need to let God's light in by hanging His promises in the window of my soul, so when His light shins through it will remind me that He truly is watching over me, loving me and always there to give me  hope and courage...every day.  Thanks, Alma, for your 'crystal example' today !
As it is nearly the end of 2011, should I make some New Year's Resolutions...or not?  Some of the definitions of the verb to resolve are ... to determine..and to intend.  I like the order here!  To decide is of course the first step!  To determine, now that is a pretty forceful order to one's self ! BUT to intend, now that has loop means to TRY, which is good, but allows me a bit of room for failure there (: !

I don't usually resolve too much as I feel it is more of a promise to myself which I don't like to think I might break!  So I usually just promise myself to 'intend' or to TRY !

So what shall I try to do or be better with this new year?  Maybe to be more kind or to listen better...(oh, oh, does that indicate talking less ??)  Now comes the magic work   INTEND!  Oh well, I'll form a short list of things I intend to improve upon!

Whether or not you Resolve or Intend to do anything.....I wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year and remember to look for Rainbows!!


  1. Sounds like good advise even if it is hard to do.
    Happpy New year

  2. I love all of your blogs, Mom. Keep up the inspiring work. Happy New Year. Love, Angel
