Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm Still Here !!

Wow, How the time flies!  I have been SO busy lately that I just don't get to sit and THINK !  Finally tonight I have taken time to check out my emails and look at what my friends on face book are up to.

It is that time of year when I have paperwork to do as I am the Village Clerk here and although it is not a big job, it is time consuming for a week just before and after our Annual Meeting.

The garden is all planted and some of my pole beans are already up.  They would like a bit more sunshine I'm sure.  We sure have made up for the lack of snowfall this winter with a lot of rain these past months.  It is so lush and green everywhere.

Many, many red squirrels and chipmunks about this year.  Hubby still hasn't won a bout with the red squirrel at the bird feeder!  But he has finished checking for nooks and crannies where they might invade our house. He's done lots of little cementing and foaming up these places.  We are in the village here and don't have a problem with the bears coming to the feeder so that is why we leave it up.  We have many pretty birds stop by to sing to us and thank us for keeping some seed in the feeder.

Dennis has been pining for his motorhome, the one we sold a few years ago thinking we would save on insurance and registration and gas by just having a little pop-up camper that went into the back of the truck.  This worked for awhile but the truck gets really bad gas milage.  Another plan, take the camper out of the truck and build it onto a car dolly and drag it along behind the truck.  This he did and we liked that for awhile.  UNTIL he got to missing the motorhome.  SO  he got a good deal on a Toyota truck with duel wheels and no body on it.  Ah ha... now he has made a sort-of- motorhome, putting the camper onto the little truck body permanently.  Quite a job but he really likes doing stuff like this.  Now, or soon, when he gets all the bugs out and it spiffied up a bit more, we can just pack up, hop in the cab and be off for a day or two without hauling anything and have somewhat decent gas milage.  We have some visiting and traveling around VT to do this summer so I hope it will work out well. Will post a picture or two now and when he gets the project done.

I'll call the new creation ' The Gypsy Wagon'.  I had a fascination with all things gypsy when I was a girl.  I loved to read about them.  I remember a book called "Gypsy Goes To College".  It was such a great story about a Gypsy girl way out of her element and coping as best as she could while striving to keep some of her heritage evident in her life.  Wish I could find it again !  I am sure it is out of print by now.  It was a book for young people maybe in 8th grade or so. Just maybe I could run into it again at a yard sale or a school book sale somewhere, someday.  This sounds like a far fetched occurrence but I once was looking for a book our teacher, Mrs. Hammond,  in 5th grade read to us as we settled down from a rowdy recess time outside.  It was "Dan's Boy" by Cobb.  I sort of remembered the story but for sure remembered how much I liked the story at the time.  While traveling north in VT one summer, we saw a sign at a big old house with a great front piazza that said Book Sale.  We stopped.  I went onto the piazza and looked around.  In a pile marked 'FREE please take', I found Dan's Boy !  Nobody was around and I let out a loud whoop for joy at my find.  There was a box there for donations or to pay for the books that weren't in the free pile.  I put $5. in that box I was so thrilled! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it again!  Maybe it could happen again??  Anyway, I am sure we will have a good time traveling around, Lord willing, in the new Gypsy Wagon.

The Gypsy Wagon in the making and...

All registered and rolling.  Waiting for the finishing of a few new
cubbies on the sides, fender things and some other finishing touches.
When popped up, it makes a nice little weekender. It has a gas stove,
gas heater and a fridge that runs on gas or 12 volt, and a comfy, roomy bed
even though it is a bear to make!

I found a quote to share with you today.   I'd better remember this one!

" While you were busy judging others,
You left your closet open and your skeletons fell out!!"

Take care and Blessings!


  1. Ah, Dennis and Dottie's great adventure. Good story I mised them'

  2. That's a wonderful quote!!
    I will keep my eyes open for Gypsy goes to College, or any other gypsy books I see. I always used to love to hear Mom & Dad's stories of gypsys and hobos coming through their towns. I wish I had lived back in the late 20s, early 30s.
    The camper looks great. Yes, should get better gas mileage than a big truck, I hope.
