Friday, July 8, 2011


We are so fortunate to have our friends.  A sweet young friend stopped by bearing gifts...a bowl of cherries from her own cherry tree and lettuces from her garden.  The gifts were great but the greatest gift was her thoughtfulness and our fun time chatting and laughing together.

Another friend comes buy with a load of veggies from her fridge.. she's off on vacation for a couple weeks and needs help eating up the perishables.  We'll be glad to oblige!  Hope she has a great trip. Our garden is doing well and the pole beans need poles !  Guess they will be happy with the fence to climb.  I gave them a leg up today and they will soon cover the fence. Dried some basil today and made a tasty stir fry for supper.

Spent a lot of time today getting used to the new computer.  A Mac is totally different from my old PC and I will be awhile learning how to get around in it.   Probably a tutor would help!  The resolution is great.

Well, the kitty is telling me it is time to go to bed.  She comes around every night about this time and announces "Tis Time " .  Then the stare until we begin to move around. Then she herds us toward the bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. As you know we have a dog like that!! I got some lattices for our beans to climb on. Thanks, by the way for the beans, they're coming along. We now have 3 tiny squashes growing too! Love your blog. See? we're followers!
