This is Lizzie Love my sweet little white kitty. She is giving me lessons on how to relax!
When I seem to be flying around trying to get six things done all at once and getting uptight about it too, Lizzie comes waddling into the kitchen from her favorite place on the screened in porch, meowing up a storm. She follows me about with her relentless sass...until I quit the bustling around and do her bidding, which is to allow her to lead me to the big brown recliner by the 'bird watching' window. I'm ordered to SIT! so I do. I mind much better than she does! Now, I 'm to get comfy with my feet up and make room for her... all stretched out, paws up on my chest, her nose not too far from mine, and her 'motor' purring on high volume. Thus pinning me down, she insists that I take some deep breaths and RELAX a spell. All morning would be fine with her. I soon calm down and take this time to think,, reflect, pray and sometimes nod off for just a bit. All because little Lizzie always knows what is best for us.
And now it is near the end of the afternoon and I have to think about fixing us some supper. You can tell I am from New England 'cause we have supper around here. Its usually lunch at noontime and dinner at noon only if it is Sunday or a special occasion when we're entertaining folks 'from away' or going out in the evening for a meal at a nice restaurant.
I picked our first basket of pole beans and some yellow bush beans yesterday. Yum! Looks like I may just have some fried green tomatoes tomorrow. Blessings to you all.
Funny, I wrote my blog about Coco yesterday (didn't post till this morning) and yours was about Lizzy! They are a joy! Thanks for that nice post. I really enjoyed it.