The other day a whole flock ( is that what one calls a large group of butterflies?) visited us here on their way elsewhere. They were here feeding on any flowers they could find and were gone the next day.
They were really gobbling up the nectar from the flowers and moving so quickly from one blossom to another. They sort of reminded me of people at the Golden Coral ! This is a great place to visit for a really huge buffet...just what we all don't need...huge platters of food! We haven't succumbed to this temptation yet... there are months yet to go !
I went for my camera and chased a couple of these illusive bright yellow lovelies around for awhile.They seemed to either be just the other side of a fence and gone by the time I made it around to their side or in a flower bed right under some one's window, and I really didn't want to be thought of as a peeping Tom-asina! I finally caught up with one who seemed to really like blue flowers, up near the pool. I asked her real nice to slow down and really enjoy a bite from each of these blooms before moving on. While she pondered my plea, I got a pretty good shot of her and she went. Moving on!
I guess we might learn from these flighty ones. Keep moving on. Set our sights heavenward...keep moving a good race. When one door closed, God opens another for us to go through. Each day brings something new.
The Pastor on Sun. asked us to remember and think upon three things: God's Promises, God's Presence, and God's Power.
He will always go with us whereever in life He takes us. Mark 4: 35-41 is the story of how Jesus and the disciples got into a boat to 'go to the other side'. A great storm arose, nearly filling the boat with water and Jesus was asleep, His head on a pillow in the back of the boat! The disciples woke him, and said, "Master, do you not care that we parish?" He arose and spoke to the sea..."Peace, be still", and the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
He Promises to be with us and when storms arise in our lives. His Presence in our lives will carry us through the storms and His Power will calm the storms. I know this to be true. True to His Promise, He has carried me through storms with His Presence and quieted them with His Power.
May you have a great day and be sure to look for that little something special that, though it may seem as illusive as the little yellow butterfly, will surely let you glimpse it and chase it a bit and find joy in it...each day!
That was a beautiful post, Dottie. Thanks. The picture of the butterfly is so very nice too! I love the way you "framed" it in. Hope you have a great winter. I think I'm finally done checking blogs you people have been busy. Off to do my work now!