Sunday, November 20, 2011

Harvesting The Crop

We are so glad that someone planted this Red Navel orange tree!  Someone before we came here to enjoy the sun and warmth of 'Southern Living'.  Our basket holds the 18 oranges we picked today.

It was also yard sale day here in our Park yesterday. Anyone wishing to sell things simply set up shop in front of their place and the rest of us ran around shopping for bargains.  This was our year to do that as last year we had a super sale of our own after selling our little place and moving into our newer bigger one.  Amazing what we collect, save and just plain hoard!
The Bible urges us to 'store up treasures in heaven, where there is no erosion, corruption, moths etc. 
God has truly supplied all our needs and so many of our 'greeds' as well.  Our Heavenly Father so delights in giving us good gifts.  As parents, we can relate... it is a joy to give good things to our children and grandchildren too.  I will try, with His help, to be more generous and compassionate and use these good gifts wisely, sharing and being aware of the needs of those around me.

1 comment:

  1. You both do a great job of sharing your gifts and your "things" so well with those around you. We are thankful for you. Congratulations on the fruit harvest too! You look like orange farmers here.
