Wednesday, October 19, 2011

From the navigator's log

The car is packed... the pipes are drained, the computer shut down and stashed in its bag, Lizzie Love is at her winter quarters on the hill, Rosie, my big rosemary plant and Philadelia, the old philadendron plant I have had for years are all farmed out at Angel's. It is nearly daylight... time to go.  I am such a  home body and always find it hard to leave. 
We are out early and enjoy a beautiful, quiet and peaceful ride down the Taconic Parkway where the foliage is at peak with lots of reds and oranges. We avoid lots of traffic this way.
Lunch is from our goodie bag at noon at a rest area. Dessert is a couple chocolate covered, crunchy things in a pretty tin, thanks to Alison's thoughtfulness.  She got these on her trip to England early this month.  Yummy!  Now a nap for my driver (the navigator sleeps while riding and in between route changes). I stay awake and 'people watch' .  We are in a different realm here, a highway traveler's world.  I watch the comings and goings of folks and note the various methods they use to navigate from one place to another.  This time of year we see many "Snowbirds" on these highways heading for the sunny south. Motorhomes, huge ones, and little houses of all sizes and shapes, all stopping for a pause in the journey to eat or to rest.  Truckers with their big semis everywhere.  The cabs are huge these days with tiny apartments behind the driver's seat!  Some get out and fast-walk all around the parking area.
A group of three fancy trucks with 5th wheel campers in tow seem to be traveling together.  I wonder what they had good for lunch as they gathered in a big one to eat together?  I wonder if they take turns being 'host for the day'?  Do they take turns being 'wagon master'?
There are fancy vans and beat up trucks and motorcycles and even the new trycicle variety so popular with the older bikers today. We see pets on leashes racing for the grass dragging their owners along behind, lovers and families, and oldsters all stretching their legs and heading for the restroom line!
Onward we go finally coming to the end of our first day of travel, a ten and a half hour day which lands us in a lovely motel in Virginia.  A nice little restaurant attatched to the motel provides a quiet atmosphere, good service and delicious food for our supper.  They started us off with complimentary fritters, a tasty southern treat. No dishes to wash tonight !  This isn't our first time here... it is our usual stopping place and we even got the same quiet, large room with a comfy bed.  We find a good old movie on the TV and settle down after a nice relaxing bubble bath.  My eyelids are drooping and it is only 8 o'clock!  Bet I don't make it to the end of the movie.  I nod off thanking God for the nice day of travel and for our safety.  More another day.

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