The veggie rows are on the other side of the market so we travel through the covered vending sheds looking at all the things people are selling. There are MANY vendors here even this early in the season.
I find a little clip-on-your-belt or waistband cell phone holder to buy. I left mine at home! Onward we go, someone stops to buy a small crockpot from folks selling kitchen things.
The veggie rows are real busy today as always. Such a selection of everything from homemade cheese to collard greens. The prices are unbeatable! Many items are a dollar a bunch or basket or bundle. I buy a large bag, heavy too, of big navel oranges which we are invited to have a yummy sample of, for only $2.
Nice big red-ripe tomatoes, corn on the cob, baskets of pears, bananas, grapes, bunches of radishes and you name it. We all pick out our favorites for this week and talk about what we will try next week.
I am not often out without my camera. My little one that fits so nicely into a pocket, is without it's charging cord as I forgot that too. My good camera was too big to pack along. Thus, I am not able today to take pictures of this vegetarian paradise. :( I will remedy that soon, I'll confiscate Dennis' camera!!
After we get all our veggies for the week and load our carts up we do a little more looking about as we head back to the trail home. Crossing the grassy field is a bit more difficult with these heavy laden carts!
Thank goodness for Cheryl who is pushing my cart now !
The noonday sun is VERY warm beating down upon us. As we trudge along, I think about the women of the Bible days, in their sandals and mantles over their heads to ward off the sun's rays. I always picture those roads as dusty and dry and envision the women with heavy water jugs atop their heads. Or the disciples going from place to place following Jesus. My feet are HOT in my Reeboks and I am thinking of a swim in the pool. I scrounge around in the cart for my light weight plastic water bottle. The water is quite warm. It is a long way home.
We finally arrive and divide up our purchases. Dennis is home now for lunch, which I left for him in case I wasn't back in time. He enjoys the radishes with his sandwich and soup. I have a salad I'd made earlier, so thankful to sit down and eat something cool. I find I am too tired to go swimming ! Now that is BAD, huh? Could it be that I am just a bit out of shape?? I park on the porch couch and think about what I'll tell you all about our adventure today.
Mom and I just read your Market Day Blog. What fun! I would love to go get all those veggies. A lady at church (Barb) called last night and she's bringing us a big bag full of beets to prayer meeting tonight! She said a neighbor canned enough to go her for the year and she had 6 bags to give Barb! Looking forward to it.