Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Quiet Sunday

Blue-sky day from in the pool

It's Sunday...a warm blue-sky day with just a few wispy clouds and a gentle breeze.'I'm ensconced in a corner of my comfy couch here on the porch.   Dinner is finished and Den is having his nap in the recliner. Our wind chimes sing in this gentle breeze, the soprano section, while across the way chimes ring out a nice tenor in perfect harmony.

Somewhere in the back yard, now and again, we hear the crazy mocking bird so full of himself, singing the songs of all the other birds.  He'd like to come to the birdbath I think, but hasn't garnered enough courage for that yet.  It is quite close to the porch and he may have forgotten that we come in the fall and keep it full of fresh water or he may be a newcomer to the area and is just being shy.  Another member og the choir is a crow or two somewhere, scolding with their rude and raspy caw-caw-caws. I am glad the Florida room/porch is on the north side of our place.  It is so pleasant here.

I managed to get my walk in this morning.  I have trouble doing this in VT.  Having a walking partner or two or three is so much nicer and there seems to be more time for walking here. Dr. Barb would be proud of me!  Her first question when I go for my physical is, "So, have you been walking?"

After walking this morning, we puttered around in our flowerbeds getting them tidied up and planted two new holly bushes.  I found a really big purple/lavender mum on sale and put it in the front flowerbed.  Dennis cleaned out the eave troughs and built some side boards on his little trailer that he drags around behind the golf cart.  He will start work tomorrow.  He is the mechanic here in Sunshine Village for the winter.  He is also Mr Fix-it here, a role he is well adapted to.

Later this afternoon we go over to the pool for a swim.  The water is 85 degrees.  The pool is kept covered at night and on chilly days.  Today it is 80 degrees on the back thermometer.  The sun may be influencing it a bit so it probably is a bit cooler, like maybe 75 degrees. We have the pool all to ourselves for awhile.  There are floaties and noodles to share and lots of lounges for drying off on.  I choose a chair under the umbrella away from the strong sun rays.

I have my camera and am chasing after some beautiful bright yellow butterflies.  They don't sit still very long to pose for me!   I saw several Monarchs today while walking camera then.

It has been a lovely Sunday.  We skipped the ice cream social tonight.  Maybe next week.  It can be really habit forming, eating those sundaes!   Tomorrow is Monday and that is Flea Market day here.  A VERY big market just up the road.  Will see about that tomorrow.  Sleep well and have sweet dreams.

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